Shipping and Handling Time:

Items normally ship within 24-48 hours. Some items may take additional handling time greater than 48 hours. If 2nd Day or Overnight shipping is requested, we will try and get those orders out first in the order they were received. Always calculate the 24-48 hours handling time when estimating the arrival date of your shipment. We will notify you if your item is expected to take longer than 48 hours to ship. We cannot ship to APO/FPO, P.O. boxes or states outside the 48 contiguous states.

Order Tracking:

  1. We keep our customer’s update on time to time basis about their order status.
  2. We will send you the tracking information once we ship your order from our office.
  3. As we believe in Customer Satisfaction and we keep improving it. Any questions, Queries, Suggestion, Comment and Compliment are welcome. Which help us to grow with respect to serve you in the best way.

Defective/Wrong Items:

  1. Minor manufacturer blemishes or dirt marks in the materials are not qualified for returns as defective items.
  2. We will accept return for an even exchange if a replacement is available. Otherwise, we will process a refund of the selling amount.
  3. Shipping and handling fees will NOT be refunded in ANY situation- NO EXCEPTIONS.
  4. Customers are required to pay for shipping fees for return items- NO EXCEPTIONS.
  5. If returned item is tested to be non-defective, customers need to pay extra for re-shipping the item.
Any Further Questions/Suggestion

If you have any question/query or suggestion, please click here to contact us.